The game of the broom as a methodological strategy for the teaching of Creole polka to students of the Cepre Arguedas 2016-II

  • Guillermo Sandoval Martínez
Keywords: Game of the broom, polca, dancing, game


The research seeks to record the broom game that is no longer practiced in the city of Lima, in addition this research proposes a strategy for its use for educational purposes in young people of a preparation center. There is little information about the study variable and oral sources have been used to achieve the objective of systematizing the methodological process of the broom game. The research had a mixed, basic approach, interviews were used, audiovisual record and a questionnaire to measure the effectiveness of the methodological proposal.

Author Biography

Guillermo Sandoval Martínez

Guillermo Sandoval Martínez

How to Cite
Sandoval Martínez, G. (2017). The game of the broom as a methodological strategy for the teaching of Creole polka to students of the Cepre Arguedas 2016-II. ARGUEDIAN NOTEBOOKS, 16(1), 109-120. Retrieved from
Articles of Arguedian Notebooks 16