Popular Narrative: Inka Unibo

  • Crescencio Ramos Mendoza
Keywords: God Bari, Inka, Unibo, Kakataibo, Nishibo


The founding stories of the Amazonian peoples located in the central lowland collect cultural experiences from a “stone age” dramatized so, based on their improvement, glorify the heroes and claim the belonging of the facts and living beings in mutual interaction, describing thus an intimate cosmogonic order. As an exposition of their reasons for understanding that order, they show the principled self-reinforcement, bordering on the religion that few missionaries and explorers were able to perceive in them, within the canons of their own ethnic literature, thanks to the compilation ethnographic we have occasion to know.

Author Biography

Crescencio Ramos Mendoza

Crescencio Ramos Mendoza de la Universidad de Caracas - Venezuela

How to Cite
Ramos Mendoza, C. (2018). Popular Narrative: Inka Unibo. ARGUEDIAN NOTEBOOKS, 17(1), 125-132. Retrieved from
Artículos de Cuadernos Arguedianos 17